
Schema is a general algorithm for integrating heterogeneous data modalities. While it has been specially designed for multi-modal single-cell biological datasets, it should work in other multi-modal contexts too.

'Overview of Schema'

Schema is designed for single-cell assays where multiple modalities have been simultaneously measured for each cell. For example, this could be simultaneously-asayed (“paired”) scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data, or a spatial-transcriptomics dataset (e.g. 10x Visium, Slideseq or STARmap). Schema can also be used with just a scRNA-seq dataset where some per-cell metadata is available (e.g., cell age, donor information, batch ID etc.). With this data, Schema can help perform analyses like:

  • Characterize cells that look similar transcriptionally but differ epigenetically.
  • Improve cell-type inference by combining RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data.
  • In spatially-resolved single-cell data, identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) specific to a spatial pattern.
  • Improved visualizations: tune t-SNE or UMAP plots to more clearly arrange cells along a desired manifold.
  • Simultaneously account for batch effects while also integrating other modalities.


To integrate multi-modal data, Schema takes a metric learning approach. Each modality is interepreted as a multi-dimensional space, with observations mapped to points in it (B in figure above). We associate a distance metric with each modality: the metric reflects what it means for cells to be similar under that modality. For example, Euclidean distances between L2-normalized expression vectors are a proxy for coexpression. Across the three graphs in the figure (B), the dashed and dotted lines indicate distances between the same pairs of observations.

Schema learns a new distance metric between points, informed jointly by all the modalities. In Schema, we start by designating one high-confidence modality as the primary (i.e., reference) and the remaining modalities as secondary— we’ve found scRNA-seq to typically be a good choice for the primary modality. Schema transforms the primary-modality space by scaling each of its dimensions so that the distances in the transformed space have a higher (or lower, if desired!) correlation with corresponding distances in the secondary modalities (C,D in the figure above). You can choose any distance metric for the secondary modalities, though the primary modality’s metric needs to be Euclidean. The primary modality can be pre-transformed by a PCA or NMF transformation so that the scaling occurs in this latter space; this can often be more powerful because the major directions of variance are now axis-aligned and hence can be scaled independently.


In generating a shared-space representation, Schema is similar to statistical approaches like CCA (canonical correlation analysis) and deep-learning methods like autoencoders (which map multiple representations into a shared latent space). Each of these approaches offers a different set of trade-offs. Schema, for instance, requires the output space to be a linear transformation of the primary modality. Doing so allows it to offer the following advantages:

  • Interpretability: Schema identifies which features of the primary modality were important in maximizing its agreement with the secondary modalities. If the features corresponded to genes (or principal components), this can directly be interpreted in terms of gene importances.
  • Regularization: single-cell data can be sparse and noisy. As we discuss in our paper, unconstrained approaches like CCA and autoencoders seek to maximize the alignment between modalities without any other considerations. In doing so, they can pick up on artifacts rather than true biology. A key feature of Schema is its regularization: if enforces a limit on the distortion of the primary modality, making sure that the final result remains biologically informative.
  • Speed and flexibility: Schema is a based on a fast quadratic programming approach that allows for substantial flexibility in the number of secondary modalities supported and their relative weights. Also, arbitrary distance metrics (i.e., kernels) are supported for the secondary modalities.

Quick Start

Install via pip

pip install schema_learn

Example: correlate gene expression with developmental stage. We demonstrate use with Anndata objects here.

import schema
adata = schema.datasets.fly_brain()  # adata has scRNA-seq data & cell age

sqp = schema.SchemaQP( min_desired_corr=0.99, # require 99% agreement with original scRNA-seq distances
                       params= {'decomposition_model': 'nmf', 'num_top_components': 20} )

#correlate the gene expression with the 'age' parameter
mod_X = sqp.fit_transform( adata.X, # primary modality
                           [ adata.obs['age'] ], # list of secondary modalities
                           [ 'numeric' ] )  # datatypes of secondary modalities

gene_wts = sqp.feature_weights() # get a ranking of gene wts important to the alignment

Paper & Code

Schema is described in the paper Schema: metric learning enables interpretable synthesis of heterogeneous single-cell modalities (http://doi.org/10.1101/834549)

Source code available at: https://github.com/rs239/schema